
I tried to write a little script that checks for the copyright notice and updates it if necessary. THere are some comments on what should be done (SVN date comparing and stuff.

hope this helps,
# Start of a script to recursively process all files in a directory to change 
the copyright notice.
use File::Find;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub process_file {
                my $oldValue = 2006; #the minimal value for a year to be 
                my $newValue = 2007; #the new year!
    my $startYear = 2000; # Parrot start year
    my $shouldChange = 0;  # flag only set when file was changed in a year 
later than it's copyright notice year.
    my $file = $_;
    # only handle files, not directories
    return unless -f $file;
    # only handle text files
    return unless -T $file;
    # only handle file if it is writable
    return unless -w $file;
    # open file for reading and writing
    open(FILE, "+< $file") or die "can't open file $File::Find::name: $!";
    # get last date the file was changed according to svn:
    # TODO:
    # Get SVN info on the file, get its "Last Changed Date" year ("LCD")
    # Then, compare this year with the file's current copyright date.
    # If LCD > CURRENT, adjust the file.
    # can't get it to work right now, on windows. probably the "/" vs "\" thing.
    print "Getting SVN info from $File::Find::name...\n";
    my $str = "svn info $File::Find::name"; 
    print "Executing:\n$str";
    # Maybe use<allison> 
    # kjs: may make sense to just use 'capture_output' from 
    # (instead of system)
    # set a flag if necessary "$shouldChange"
    # buffer to store file contents
    my $filebuffer = '';   
    # read file line by line
    while(<FILE>) {
        # flag indicating whether the file has been changed yet
        my $changed = 0;
        # store the year to be replaced in a temp, it'll be decremented if it's 
not found 
        # so, if 2006 is not found, it'll look for 2005, 2004 etc.      
        my $old = $oldValue;
        # look in the file as long as it's not changed, and the year to be 
changed $startYear
        while($changed == 0 && $old >= $startYear) {
                # check for copyright lines containing only 1 year
                if ($_ =~ m/.*[cC]opyright.*\ $old.*/ ) { # check for match
                        print "Changing: '$_' \ninto: \n";
                        # change a notice like '2006' into '2006-2007'
                        $_ =~ s/$old/$old\-$newValue/;
                        print $_;
                        print "\n";
                        # add line to file buffer
                        $filebuffer .= $_;              
                        # set changed flag
                        $changed = 1;
                # check for copyright lines like X-Y                    
                elsif ($_ =~ m/.*[cC]opyright.*\-$old.*/ ) {
                        print "Changing: '$_' \ninto: \n";
                        # make sure only the 'Y', not 'X', in 'X-Y' is changed
                        $_ =~ s/\-$old/\-$newValue/;
                        print $_;
                        print "\n";
                        $filebuffer .= $_;
                        $changed = 1;                           
                # try a lower value of $oldvalue, so an earlier year            
        # if the line was not changed, it was not a copyright notice.
        # add it to the buffer.
        if($changed == 0) {
                $filebuffer .= $_;
        # end of file reached, now write the buffer back to file again.
        # this code is taken from the Perl Cookbook.
        seek(FILE, 0, 0)               or die "can't seek to start of $file: 
                print FILE $filebuffer         or die "can't print to $file: 
                truncate(FILE, tell(FILE))     or die "can't truncate $file: 
                close(FILE)                    or die "can't close $file: $!";  
    print "Handled file $file\n";

if (@ARGV < 1) {
        print <<'USAGE' 

Usage: perl changeCopyright <directory>

        Updates the copyright notice to 2007 for all files in <directory>.

else {
        my @DIRLIST = ();
        push @DIRLIST, $ARGV[0];
        find(\&process_file, @DIRLIST);

# TODO: compile a list of files that has been changed by this script. 

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