Am Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2007 21:58 schrieb Matt Diephouse:
>    ~/Projects/parrot mdiep$ cat test.pir
>    .sub main :main
>        null $P0
>        multi($P0) # should print "Any\n"
>    .end
>    .sub multi :multi(String)
>        say "String"
>    .end
>    .sub multi :multi(_)
>        say "Any"
>    .end
>    ~/Projects/parrot mdiep$ parrot test.pir
>    Null PMC access in type()

While that was never actually specced, I do consider a NULL PMC as something 
like a null pointer in C. Any access (except testing for NULL-ness) to it is 
an error. Above example tests, that some usage of a NULL PMC fails.

It's of course debatable, which usage of NULL should be allowed, e.g. above 
one. An explicit test in PMC->type conversion for PMCNULL in the MMD code is 
very likely all to make above code running (mmd.c:167,168).

my 2¢

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