On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 05:56:46PM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
> The default / operator is not going to do integer division.  This is
> not negotiable; normal people expect 1/2 to mean one half, so / is
> going to coerce to some type that can support fractions.  We'll use

I agree. And I hope I count as "normal", but even with my knowledge of C,
and its typing and presence, it still took me two weeks to track down the
bug in

        double mu = 2/3;

which produced very wrong results. (The rheology was supposed to be perfectly
elastic, so we knew something was wrong, but tracking it down to that line...)

If I write 2/3 I'm thinking maths, not type theory, and "two thirds" is what
I expect.

Nicholas Clark

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