I'm not sure how to respond on TODO tickets, any pointers would be appreciated.
Meanwhile, I'll just compose an email, like this one.

#37542: [TODO] core - document behavior of multiple :load subpragmas in same compilation unit


the behavior of multiple subroutines marked with the ':load' subpragma
in the same compilation unit is currently undefined. PGE currently
uses a workaround for this limitation, as seen in

However, this behavior *is* defined, according to http://www.parrotcode.org/docs/imcc/calling_conventions.html:

Run this subroutine during the load_library opcode. :load is ignored, if another subroutine in that file is marked with :main. If multiple subs have the :load pragma, the subs are run in source code order.

Does this mean this ticket can be closed?

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