On Thursday 22 February 2007 08:41, Patrick R.Michaud wrote:

> While running 'make fulltest' for the 0.4.9 release, I'm getting
> two failing tests under the -C (CGP) runcore (r17148):
> Failed Test     Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>---- t/pmc/ref.t        2   512    16    2  13-14
> t/pmc/threads.t    1   256    20    1  16
> 7 tests and 232 subtests skipped.
> Failed 2/216 test scripts. 3/4540 subtests failed.
> Again, I'm on an x86_64 system, if that makes a difference.
> The other runcores all pass, so I'm not going to hold up the
> release for this one.
> I can post more debug, trace, or platform details if needed.

I see the same on x86 Linux.

-- c

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