Klaas-Jan Stol wrote on 05/03/2007 16:48:
On 3/5/07, jerry gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i disagree. the reason C<strdup>, C<strnicmp> and C<stricmp> were
deprecated is because they're non-ansi. therefore, microsoft renamed
it to C<_strdup>. since we've pledged ansi (aka c89) c compliance, we
should be following a similar path.

instead of disabling the *valid* compiler warning, i suggest that
either we modify our coding standard to allow C<strdup>, or we rename
all usage to C<_strdup> and #define as appropriate for each compiler.

Moreover, strdup was not deprecated without a reason; strdup is claimed to
be unsafe. It might be a good idea to accept this piece of advice, and use
_strdup and friends.

As far as I can see, MSVC doesn't claim strdup is unsafe - string.h just defines it with "_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE", and the compiler warns "The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _strdup. See online help for details."

For the string functions which it does claim are unsafe (strcpy, strcat, etc), it warns "This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead" and provides the _s alternatives; but strdup isn't one of those functions. A call to strdup is actually compiled into a call to _strdup (via linker tricks (I assume) in oldnames.lib), so there's no difference at all in implementation or safety.

Philip Taylor

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