
On Mon Mar 05 10:32:33 2007, coke wrote:
> (all paths relative to languages/tcl)
> First, do a make test in tcl to get a baseline as some tests are
> failing.
languages/tcl$ make test | tee /tmp/OUTPUT

> The stub files in src/builtin/*.pir need to be relocated to
> runtime/builtin/*.pir; The stubs are:
> auto_execok,auto_load,exec,fconfigure,glob,interp,trace,update
> When moving, ok to do an svn del/add; be sure to update the MANIFEST.
Moved files and updated MANIFEST, still missing some propset on the new

> Update config/makefiles/root.in to remove reference to the old name.
> New
> file will be matched with a wilcard.

> Format of subs changes in runtime. Look at "runtime/builtin/trace.pir"
> for
> an example.
Subs where updated.

> If there's already a file of the same name in runtime, just delete the
> old
> one.
The only one that already existed was trace.pir -- overwritten.

> Then reconfigure parrot, rebuild tcl, re make test, make sure nothing
> new is
> failing.
After reconfigure parrot and rebuild tcl:

languages/tcl$ make test | tee /tmp/OUTPUT2

$ diff /tmp/OUTPUT /tmp/OUTPUT2 
< Files=73, Tests=1332, 874 wallclock secs (792.16 cusr + 16.80 csys =
808.96 CPU)
> Files=73, Tests=1332, 938 wallclock secs (795.61 cusr + 16.98 csys =
812.59 CPU)

Same behaviour, only time changed.

The changes were commited on revision 17353, MANIFEST update was
commited on revision 17354.

Best regards,

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