Larry Wall writes:

> On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 09:05:32AM +0000, Smylers wrote:
> : So I fear that people will do the same thing in Perl 6.  Which,
> : initially, will appear to work.  But then, some months later,
> : somebody upgrades the installed version of a module (or the program
> : gets deployed on another computer, which happens to have a more
> : recent version installed), and suddenly the program will break.
> Nope, check your assumptions, you've got a big one that just ain't so.
> Perl 6 is specced to keep all the old versions of modules around in
> the library

Yeah, that's why I added "or the program gets deployed on another
computer, which happens to have a more recent version".

> (unless the new version claims to emulate the old version).  So an
> upgrade doesn't generally break fixed dependencies.

Aha!  So even if I specify that I want, say, version 1.3, if only
version 1.6 is installed but the module's author claims never to've
broken backwards compatibility then it will run anyway?  That's good.

> : * In many (most?) cases the breakage will be arbitrary, in that the
> :   module would've worked fine had it been allowed to run rather than
> :   being stopped by the version-checker.
> It is allowed to run anyway,

Sorry, I don't quite understand that.  What does happen if a program
requests a version of a module that 

> : * It's a change from what was good practice in Perl 5.
> s/good/common/;

I'd say that common practice in Perl 5 is merely to use a module and not
specify a version number at all!  Specifying a minimum version number is
an improvement -- obviously not ideal, but it is as much as can be done
straightforwardly with Perl 5.  And I think it'very likely people in the
habit of doing this in Perl 5 will, at least initially, specify a single
version number in Perl 6 C<use> lines.

> Those who believe the stagnation of Perl 5 is caused by Perl 6 should
> go back and reread the 361 RFCs ... <Snip>

Sorry if my post came across as some kind of attack on Perl 6 as a whole
-- it certainly wasn't supposed to be!!  I'm very much in favour of the
way Perl 6 is going and the many improvements it brings.

(And I'm not sure what stagnation has to do with this thread, but for
what it's worth I think quite the opposite: Perl 6 has been the
inspiration for several good things people are already doing with Perl



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