Larry Wall writes:

> On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 10:20:12PM +0000, Smylers wrote:
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> : 
> : > Separated clobbering <== ==> from pushy <<== and ==>>
> : > 
> : > +Feeding into the C<*> "whatever" term sets the source for the next sink.
> : > +To append multiple sources to the next sink, double the angle:
> : > +
> : > +    0..*       ==>  *;
> : > +    'a'..*     ==>> *;
> : > +    pidigits() ==>> *;
> : 
> : Can you append to something that isn't there?  Would it matter if the
> : first feed also had a double pointy bracket on it?
> Doesn't matter,

Excellent; that's what I was hoping.

> ... just thought it was a clearer example this way.

Oh, it is!

But using pushy feeds for all of the lines makes it easier to change the
order of the lines (similar to putting a trailing comma after the final
list item in a one-item-per-line list), and I was just checking that
it's permitted.


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