Two quick questions, what "hackish" things in pir are you refering to, and how much more do you think it would take to get bytecode working? Also, consider that file size alone is not the best indicator of how well something is programmed, as sometimes a bigger object file is faster than a smaller one(the difference between macros and functions is an example).

PIR does have an unimplemented #line operator as does c and perl. If you include support for it as well, you could consider doing macros and includes with a preprocessor instead of in the parser itself. It might make support for certain things easier. But a caveat of that is handling something like '.Foo(")")' which requires an understanding of PIR.

On Mar 21, 2007, at 4:53 PM, Klaas-Jan Stol (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Klaas-Jan Stol
# Please include the string:  [perl #41955]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# <URL: >


as requested by particle to send this to the list, attached a patch of
an implementation of PIR in C. Instead of using a bottom-up parser
(using Yacc), this is a pure-C top-down approach.

It is explicitly not my goal to do superfluous work, or to distract you
from working on More Important Things, but I send this, as mentioned on
Of course, it's not finished yet, but a lot is working already (please
note it's only parsing).

THe current implementation of PIR, IMCC, is a bit hacky and not very
clean. Moreover, it's not reentrant. This patch tries to resolve this,
and tries to define what PIR should look like (no hacky things allowed

Also, I wrote it to see how far I would come, and whether a top-down
approach was feasible. Also, considering that IMCC's parser's object
file is about 180 KB, and this one only about 35 KB (not the executable, which includes the C lib.) is a good sign. (I know, IMCC does a lot more...)

Anyway, comments are most certainly welcome.

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