Joshua Isom wrote:

I'm not sure how the imcc compiler handles the .Foo syntax internally, but there's a file, runtime/parrot/include/pmctypes.pasm that at least appears as though it's magically included into the beginning of every pir/pasm file. If it were changed to output a string instead of an integer, the dot syntax would still work with the strings(although the under the hood part I don't know about). It's merely a macro substitution if you think about it.

Plus it'd mean we wouldn't have to rewrite all of the tests, and keep the old dot syntax that I personally like(easier for editors to detect a typo).

There are several reasons to do away with constants for types and the class registry (the type constants just supply an ID from the class registry).

- They don't respect namespaces, so you currently can't have an "Integer" class, for example, in multiple different HLLs. We could mangle namespaces into the type registry, but we already have a perfectly good way of storing classes in a namespace hierarchy, so it doesn't make sense to implement it twice.

- They can't handle having more than one implementation of a class in the system. This we need to safely allow dynamic changes to a class after it has been instantiated.

And, less critical, but still annoying:

- The type constants collide with user-defined constants in less-than-desirable ways. If you define a constant with the same name as a type constant, the system simply ignores the redefinition and supplies the type constant's value.


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