On Apr 10, 2007, at 2:05 AM, Allison Randal wrote:

Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
Some suggestions for PDD15:
reading PDD15, I noticed that some methods/ops are named using an underscore to separate words, others don't, for instance:
* get_class (but also "getclass" is used in the examples)
* newclass
IMO, it'd be nice to be consistent, and stick to 1 style. (My personal preference is to leave out the underscore)

The get_ standard entered with namespaces, and was itself a modification of the find_ standard from the earlier opcodes for dealing with globals and lexicals. For methods, I'd say the underscores are standard. For opcoess, it's debatable whether underscores or no underscores is standard at this point. I made a note to review it when I get to the Opcodes PDD.

I'm a little mixed on this. Something like get_args probably shouldn't be getargs or even getArgs, but if you look through ops.num, it can be confusing to know what is what. Although not for beginners, scanning through ops.num can help figure out why your code doesn't compile as expected.

Another thing; operations such as find_method return a NULL PMC on failure. It might be nice to have it configurable for the user so s/he can choose whether an exception will be thrown, or a NULL PMC is returned. (IIRC, this can already be done for some ops, it'd be nice to set it for all ops that may return a NULL PMC). (as a detail: in PIR this might be represented by a pragma, like: ".pragma exceptions 1")

This is the same question we have for I/O, and really for large parts of Parrot. I've temporarily held off on this decision until the new exceptions PDD is implemented (widespread exceptions really aren't practical with the current exceptions implementation).

Perhaps a namespace specific code can be used, and maybe applicable for nested namespaces such that hll's can easily take advantage, so an hll can say in it's root namespace "I want exceptions" and all namespaces in that hll default to using exceptions. A file specific option would be bug prone with something like pbc_merge or whatever, and making it namespace specific seems simple and clean, even if a little too DWIM for parrot.


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