Hi perlers,

maybe I have missed something but I cannot run pugs with -C option.

Initial goal was to compile Perl 6 programme into bytecode and run it
(with parrot or even mod_parrot).

First step is to convert the simpliest code test.p6 which contains

   say 'Hi!';

into .pir-file, so I typed

   pugs -CPIR test.p6 > test.pir

and really received test.pir file.

What to do next? There are two ways in mind: either use pugs -B or

When I call pugs with an option -B

   pugs -BPIR test.pir

an error occured:

    Unexpected "'"
    expecting comment, operator, statement modifier, ";" or end of input
    at h.pir line 2, column 6

Looks like -BPIR is totally ignored. The same error you will get if
simply run pugs test.pir.

OK, trying to use parrot for executing PIR-code:

   parrot test.pir

Plenty of errors this time:

    error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected DOT
        in file 'h.pir' line 7
    error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected DOT
        in file 'h.pir' line 180
    error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected DOT
        in file 'h.pir' line 194
    . . .

All these 'unexpected DOT' messages correspond to staments in PIR-source with
'new' instruction such as

   $P8 = new .PerlArray

Would anyone tell me how to deal and live with it? :-)

Pugs -v is 6.2.13 and parrot -V is 0.4.10 --without-icu on i386-linux.

Andrew Shitov
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.shitov.ru

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