On Apr 21, 2007, at 12:41 PM, chromatic wrote:

On Saturday 21 April 2007 04:01, Joshua Isom wrote:

I'm getting failures in t/pmc/class.t, t/pmc/exporter.t,
t/pmc/pccmethod_test.t, t/pmc/role.t, and t/pmc/smop_attribute.t and
all seem to be related to PCCMETHOD's.  The failures occur in
inter_call.c, fetch_arg_op().  The macro's of UVal_* are where it
occurs, but I can't yet figure out where the bad data comes into it.

Can you post the verbose output of the tests? If they're all similar or
identical, just one is fine.

-- c

Each failure occurs with the PCCMETHODs. Looking a little more, the optional parameters seem to be the ones causing trouble. Somehow, interp->current_args points to bad data. It looks to always be something like 0x7fffffxxxxxx, and it just crashes later on. I'll look more into it later unless someone figures the fix.

% prove -v t/pmc/class.t t/pmc/exporter.t t/pmc/pccmethod_test.t t/pmc/role.t t/pmc/smop_attribute.t
ok 1 - new
ok 2 - Class PMC has "I am a class" flag set

not ok 3 - name
#     Failed test (t/pmc/class.t at line 62)
#          got: 'Bus error (core dumped)
# '
# expected: 'ok 1 - name() with no args returns class name, which is empty at first
# ok 2 - name() with args sets class name
# ok 3 - name() with too many args fails
# ok 4 - name() with args sets namespace too
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/class_3.pir"' failed with exit code 138
ok 4 - new
ok 5 - attributes
ok 6 - add_attribute
not ok 7 - set_attr/get_attr VTABLE methods

#     Failed test (t/pmc/class.t at line 219)
#          got: 'Bus error (core dumped)
# '
#     expected: 'ok 1 - created a class with two attributes
# ok 2 - instantiated the class
# ok 3 - set an attribute
# 42
# ok 4 - got an attribute
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/class_7.pir"' failed with exit code 138
ok 8 - parents
ok 9 - roles
not ok 10 - inspect PCCMETHOD

#     Failed test (t/pmc/class.t at line 290)
#          got: 'Bus error (core dumped)
# '
#     expected: 'ok 1 - inspect with no args called
# ok 2 - returned hash had correct number of elements
# foo
# ok 3 - inspect('name')
# ok 4 - inspect('attributes')
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/class_10.pir"' failed with exit code 138
not ok 11 - clone

#     Failed test (t/pmc/class.t at line 324)
#          got: 'ok 1 - created class Monkey and instantiated it
# ok 2 - cloned class Monkey
# Bus error (core dumped)
# '
#     expected: 'ok 1 - created class Monkey and instantiated it
# ok 2 - cloned class Monkey
# ok 3 - name is empty
# ok 4 - namespace is null
# ok 5 - attribute survived cloning
# ok 6 - can modify cloned class
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/class_11.pir"' failed with exit code 138
not ok 12 - clone_pmc

#     Failed test (t/pmc/class.t at line 367)
#          got: 'ok 1 - created class Monkey and instantiated it
# ok 2 - cloned class Monkey with Hash argument
# Bus error (core dumped)
# '
#     expected: 'ok 1 - created class Monkey and instantiated it
# ok 2 - cloned class Monkey with Hash argument
# ok 3 - name is new one set in the Hash
# ok 4 - namespace is Mandrill too
# ok 5 - attribute survived cloning
# ok 6 - can modify cloned class
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/class_12.pir"' failed with exit code 138
ok 13 - new with initialization hash
ok 14 - isa()
not ok 15 - does()

#     Failed test (t/pmc/class.t at line 498)
#          got: 'Doesn't Red
# Bus error (core dumped)
# '
#     expected: 'Doesn't Red
# Does Red
# Does Green
# Does Blue
# Does Class
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/class_15.pir"' failed with exit code 138
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 15.
        Test returned status 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
DIED. FAILED tests 3, 7, 10-12, 15
        Failed 6/15 tests, 60.00% okay
ok 1 - new
not ok 2 - source

#     Failed test (t/pmc/exporter.t at line 43)
#          got: 'Bus error (core dumped)
# '
#     expected: 'ok 1 - source() returns PMCNULL upon Exporter init
# ok 2 - source() with args sets source namespace
# ok 3 - source() with too many args fails
# ok 4 - source() with non-namespace arg throws exception
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/exporter_2.pir"' failed with exit code 138
not ok 3 - destination

#     Failed test (t/pmc/exporter.t at line 95)
#          got: 'Bus error (core dumped)
# '
# expected: 'ok 1 - destination() with no args returns destination namespace
# ok 2 - ...which is current namespace at first
# ok 3 - destination() with args sets destination namespace
# ok 4 - destination() with too many args fails
# ok 5 - destination() with non-namespace arg throws exception
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/exporter_3.pir"' failed with exit code 138
ok 4 - globals
ok 5 - add_global
ok 6 - import - no args
ok 7 - import - same source and destination namespaces
ok 8 - import - globals as string
ok 9 - import - globals as array
ok 10 - import - globals with destination
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 10.
        Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-3
        Failed 2/10 tests, 80.00% okay
ok 1 - named args
not ok 2 - optional args and multiple returns

#     Failed test (t/pmc/pccmethod_test.t at line 36)
#          got: 'test_method0
# 1
# test_method1
# 1,2,3,4,5,6
# test_method2
# 0, 0, ResizablePMCArray [  ]
# test_method2
# 1, 1, ResizablePMCArray [  ]
# test_method2
# 1, 1, ResizablePMCArray [ 2 ]
# test_method2
# 1, 1, ResizablePMCArray [ 2, 3 ]
# test_method2
# 101, 1, ResizablePMCArray [  ]
# Segmentation fault (core dumped)
# '
#     expected: 'test_method0
# 1
# test_method1
# 1,2,3,4,5,6
# test_method2
# 0, 0, ResizablePMCArray [  ]
# test_method2
# 1, 1, ResizablePMCArray [  ]
# test_method2
# 1, 1, ResizablePMCArray [ 2 ]
# test_method2
# 1, 1, ResizablePMCArray [ 2, 3 ]
# test_method2
# 101, 1, ResizablePMCArray [  ]
# BACK - 1000 - KEVIN -
# '
# './parrot "/usr/home/jisom/parrot/t/pmc/pccmethod_test_2.pir"' failed with exit code 139
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.
        Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
        Failed 1/2 tests, 50.00% okay
ok 1 - Role type exists
ok 2 - isa Role
ok 3 - Created a Role initialized with a Hash
        Test returned status 0 (wstat 138, 0x8a)
DIED. FAILED tests 4-5
        Failed 2/5 tests, 60.00% okay
ok 1 - The object isa SMOP_Attribute
        Test returned status 0 (wstat 138, 0x8a)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-9
        Failed 8/9 tests, 11.11% okay
Failed Test            Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
t/pmc/class.t             6  1536    15    6  3 7 10-12 15
t/pmc/exporter.t          2   512    10    2  2-3
t/pmc/pccmethod_test.t    1   256     2    1  2
t/pmc/role.t              0   138     5    4  4-5
t/pmc/smop_attribute.t    0   138     9   16  2-9
Failed 5/5 test scripts. 19/41 subtests failed.
Files=5, Tests=41, 2 wallclock secs ( 1.04 cusr + 0.70 csys = 1.73 CPU)
Failed 5/5 test programs. 19/41 subtests failed.

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