whorf wrote:
Parrot moves beyond the fragile stack-based control flow common to
virtual machines today, to a continuation-based control flow. (I can
recommend a few good books and articles if you're curious.)
Could you recommend the books and articles for the curious.

I've had quite a few requests for this. Here's a good start:

- "Continuations and advanced flow control" by Jonathan Bartlett, <http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-advflow.html>

- "Compiling with Continuations" by Andrew W. Appel, Cambridge University Press

- "A Dynamic Continuation-Passing Style for Dynamic Delimited Continuations" by Dariusz Biernacki, Olivier Danvy, Kevin Millikin, <http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/1966>

- "Representing Control, A Study of the CPS Transformation Mathematical Structures" by Olivier Danvy and Andrzej Filinski, Computer Science 2(4):361-391

- "A Correspondence between Continuation Passing Style and Static Single Assignment Form" by Richard A. Kelsey, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 30 (3): 13-22.

- "The Scheme Programming Language" 3rd ed. by Kent Dybvig (chapter 3, particularly section 3.4), The MIT Press. Also <http://www.scheme.com/tspl3/further.html#./further:h4>


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