On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 11:08:24AM -0700, James Keenan wrote:

[ I've just noticed this via a summary that I rescued from
spamassassin's rather overenthusiastic clutches.  Thanks Ann. ]

> I've found through experience that running Devel::Cover to perform  
> coverage analysis on my code sometimes turns up problems that don't  
> appear when running 'prove' or 'make test' without Devel::Cover.

[ snip details ]

> Ideas?

Not really, I'm afraid.  I don't think I've seen a similar problem with
Devel::Cover and any other code.  Devel::Cover has sometimes uncovered
questionable constructs that have otherwise gone unnoticed, but my first
thoughts would be that it was a bug in Devel::Cover.

Has anyone managed to shine any additional light on this in the last six

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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