My hunch is that while Parrot's *version* number (found in top-level file 'VERSION' and reported by Parrot::BuildUtils::parrot_version()) is important for building Parrot, Parrot's repository *revision* numbers are less important. But *how much* less important, I cannot yet say. FWIW, here are locations where these $current and $config are used (setting aside my 4 test files above).

config/gen/    my $revision = $Parrot::Revision::current;
t/distro/file_metadata.t:219: unless ( $Parrot::Revision::current or `svk ls .` ) {
tools/build/    return ${Parrot::Revision::current};
tools/build/    return ${Parrot::Revision::config};

Further research into $Parrot::Revision::current and $Parrot::Revision::config:

1.  Relevant code from tools/build/

/* also in "parrot/embed.h" */
PARROT_API int Parrot_revision(void);
/* also in "parrot/misc.h" */
PARROT_API int Parrot_config_revision(void);

int Parrot_revision(void)
    return ${Parrot::Revision::current};

int Parrot_config_revision(void)
    return ${Parrot::Revision::config};

2.  [reconf] 501 $ ack --nohtml --nophp Parrot_revision
120:    rev = Parrot_revision();

73:int Parrot_revision(void);

40:PARROT_API int Parrot_revision(void);
44:int Parrot_revision(void)

3.  [reconf] 503 $ ack --nohtml --nophp Parrot_config_revision
124:    rev = Parrot_config_revision();

190:PARROT_API int Parrot_config_revision(void);

42:PARROT_API int Parrot_config_revision(void);
49:int Parrot_config_revision(void)

4.  Relevant code from config/gen/

    my $revision = $Parrot::Revision::current;

        revision    => $revision,

    if ( $revision >= 1 ) {

Commentary: Why, in items (2) and (3) above, $current should be used as the basis of the C variable in one case and $config should be used as the basis of a different C variable in the other case it not something apparent to me.

Whether Parrot::Revision needs to be as complex as it is is increasingly less obvious to me. If you're working from the repository and have not yet configured, then what use in $config? Conversely, if you're working from the repository and *have* configured, then do you have any further need for $current? And if you're working from a release version, $current is entirely irrelevant because $config is all you've got and all you're going to get.


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