>I think so (after fixing a couple of minor typos).
>Does this mean that you can only pass defined attributes to a constructor ?  
>What if you want to pass parameters that are used during build but don't 
>actually need to be stored in the object ?

Hopefully you don't mind my cc'ing  the list- that way someone searching the 
archives doesn't get stung by my typos ;)

Creating an object should have been:

my MattTest $test .= new(:string<abc>); # TIMTOADY and all that ;)

You can pass objects to BUILD that you don't store in the object:

class MattTest {
    submethod BUILD (:$foo) {
        say $foo;


my $test = MattTest(:string('abc'));

# Check to see the class is the right kind of thing:

say $test.WHAT

# Output the class as a readable string

say $test.perl;

----- Original Message ----
 Matthew Keene 
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:02:56 AM
Subject: Error calling bless in non-default constructor

I'm trying to use a non-default constructor for a class under Pugs 6.2.13, like 

class MattTest {

  sub new (Class $class : Str $string) {
    say "Passed $string to the constructor for $class" ;
    return $class.bless ;

my $test = MattTest.new('abc') ;

This is failing with the following output:

D:\Apps\Perl6>pugs ConstructorTest.p6
Passed abc to the constructor for MattTest
*** No such method in class MattTest: "&bless"
    at ConstructorTest.p6 line 5, column 12-25

Am I doing something wrong, or is bless currently unimplemented in Pugs, or is 
something else wrong.  I have more or less copied the code for the constructor 
from the test in oo/construction.t.

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