On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 07:07:06AM -0400, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2007, at 5:44 , Thomas Wittek wrote:
> >Larry Wall:
> >>Nope.  Hash is mostly about meaning, and very little about  
> >>implementation.
> >>Please don't assume that I name things according to Standard Names in
> >>Computer Science.  I name things in English.  Hash is just something
> >>that is disordered, which describes the associative array interface
> >>rather nicely, distinguishing it from the ordered Array interface.
> >
> >Hm, but with which would you explain a "hash" in plain english?
> >What would be the closest equivalents in the real world?
> "...make a hash of things" (meaning, a mess)
> "corned beef hash"

That's two people that have given the same list, but both
have omitted the more common (in modern times) phrase "hash
browned potatos" which is a hash of chopped potato, onion,
and sometimetimes other things fried brown.  I'll ignore the
McDonald's version which hashes together just the potatos,
since a collective of a single element is still a collective
mathematically, but not usually considered so linguistically
unless you've got a big enough advertising budget to pull it


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