# New Ticket Created by  Jurosz Michal 
# Please include the string:  [perl #43218]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=43218 >

Attached test use compreg P1, "PASM" and invokecc it 100,000 times.
On win32 (mingw32) it consumes 70MB of RAM with r18834 (107 MB of RAM
with r11704).

Similar tests can be found here:

S pozdravem Michal Jurosz

    set S28, ""
    concat S28, ".pcc_sub :anon _indi:\n"
    concat S28, "  get_params \"(0,0,0)\", I0, I1, I2\n"
    concat S28, "  set I3, 23\n"
    concat S28, "  set_returns \"(0)\", I3\n"
    concat S28, "  returncc\n"

    compreg P1, "PASM"
    set I20, 0

    set_args "(0)",S28
    get_results "(0)", P0
    invokecc P1

    needs_destroy P0
    sweep 0
    inc I20
    lt I20, 100000, NEXT
#    sleep 10


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