On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 02:22:55PM -0700, Dave Whipp wrote:
: My problems with these tools would be reduced if the POD identification 
: rule was changed from /^=/ to /^=\w/. I.e. whitespace after the initial 
: "=" marks it as non-pod.

S26 says that ^^ '=' \s is for continuing a previous directive, and
therefore *must* not be interpreted as a new directive, so I think
you pretty much already have your wish, if we assume that a missing
previous directive implies that a "spaced" = isn't extending anything.
This interpretation would certainly cut down false matches way down
in any culture that conventionally puts spaces on both sides of an =
when used for assignment.  (And if there isn't a space after, there
isn't likely to be a space before that would get wrapped.)


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