pancake wrote:
> (...)
> Ok, after the presentations.. I have some problems for writing the patches
> because more than one bug report matches the same source file, and i have to
> wait everytime for commits before doing anything more. I understand that this
> is my problem and I should be pacient, but on pdb there are a lot of broken
> things that are difficult to split into multiple patches.

I had the same problem, and I currently use the git version control
system with the git-svn wrapper to read from Parrot's repos. I can
commit without pushing it to the Parrot servers. I can also branch
easily, for instance I have a branch where all kinds of changes are in
in no particular order, and when I want to spit out a patch, I branch
from a parent and apply the commits that I want to have in that patch.
Then git diff <begin> <end> > offs.patch and I can delete the branch.
It's way better than when I used subversion, I think I had three
checkouts because I had to test patches. Now one suffices.

I hear svk (based on, and compatible with svn) does a pretty good
decentralized job too. The Parrot web site mentions svk, so you can
probably get help from more people if you want.

> (..)
> My question is. How can I translate a opcode_t into a file:line message?
> Thanks! 
>   --pancake

There's code to get file and line in src/sub.c. Attached patch puts the
code in a function Parrot_offs_get_info. I think you can call it like this:

  char *file;
  int line;

  if (Parrot_offs_get_info(interp, offs, interp->code, &file, &line) {
      <here, file and line are set correctly.>
  else {
      <we get here if we can't retrieve file:line.>

I think it would be good if the patch were applied. 0:)

Bram Geron | GPG 0xE7B9E65E

--- a/src/sub.c
+++ b/src/sub.c
@@ -297,6 +297,49 @@ Parrot_full_sub_name(Interp *interp, PMC* sub)
     return NULL;
+=item C<Parrot_offs_get_info>
+Get file and line number of bytecode offset. On success, true is returned,
+*file is set to a char * holding the file name, and *line is set to an int
+holding the line number. *file is a newly allocated string, you are supposed to
+free it yourself with string_cstring_free(*file).
+Parrot_offs_get_info (Interp *interp, int offs, PackFile_ByteCode *seg, char **file, int *line)
+    size_t i;                      /* index in debug segment */
+    size_t n; 
+    opcode_t *pc = seg->; /* starting pc of this sub */
+    PackFile_Debug * const debug = seg->debugs;
+    if (!debug)
+        return 0;
+    for (i = n = 0; n < seg->base.size; i++) {
+        op_info_t * const op_info = &interp->op_info_table[*pc];
+        opcode_t var_args = 0;
+        if (i >= debug->base.size)
+            return 0;
+        if (n >= offs) {
+            /* set source line and file */
+            *line = debug->[i];
+            *file = string_to_cstring(interp,
+                    Parrot_debug_pc_to_filename(interp, debug, i));
+            break;
+        }
+        ADD_OP_VAR_PART(interp, seg, pc, var_args);
+        n += op_info->op_count + var_args;
+        pc += op_info->op_count + var_args;
+    }
+    return 1;
 Parrot_Context_get_info(Interp *interp, parrot_context_t *ctx,
                     Parrot_Context_info *info)
@@ -349,30 +392,8 @@ Parrot_Context_get_info(Interp *interp, parrot_context_t *ctx,
     /* determine the current source file/line */
     if (ctx->current_pc) {
-        const size_t offs = info->pc;
-        size_t i, n;
-        opcode_t *pc = sub->seg->;
-        PackFile_Debug * const debug = sub->seg->debugs;
-        if (!debug)
+        if (0 == Parrot_offs_get_info(interp, info->pc, sub->seg, &info->file, &info->line))
             return 0;
-        for (i = n = 0; n < sub->seg->base.size; i++) {
-            op_info_t * const op_info = &interp->op_info_table[*pc];
-            opcode_t var_args = 0;
-            if (i >= debug->base.size)
-                return 0;
-            if (n >= offs) {
-                /* set source line and file */
-                info->line = debug->[i];
-                info->file = string_to_cstring(interp,
-                Parrot_debug_pc_to_filename(interp, debug, i));
-                break;
-            }
-            ADD_OP_VAR_PART(interp, sub->seg, pc, var_args);
-            n += op_info->op_count + var_args;
-            pc += op_info->op_count + var_args;
-        }
     return 1;

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