Paul Cochrane wrote:

in the file lib/Parrot/ there is the todo item:

    # XXX cc_build uses this verbose setting, why?
    $self->data->set( verbose => $verbose ) if $n > 2;

Work out why, add an explanation to this ticket and to the code.

I posed this question to the list on April 16, but didn't get any response. Maybe second time's the charm?

James Keenan wrote:
> In lib/Parrot/ there is the following code (trunk:  starting
> at line 254):
>     # XXX cc_build uses this verbose setting, why?
>     $self->data->set( verbose => $verbose ) if $n > 2;
> $n is the index in the array of configuration steps of the step
> currently being processed.  $verbose is a value passed to _runsteps()
> from the surrounding method runsteps(), which in turn is the value for
> the 'verbose' option passed to
>   sub runsteps {    # trunk:  line 184
>     my $self = shift;
>     my ( $verbose, $verbose_step, $ask ) =
> $self->options->get(qw(verbose verbose-step ask));
>     my $n = 0;    # step number
>     foreach my $task ( $self->steps ) {
>         $n++;
>         $self->_runstep( $task, $verbose, $verbose_step, $ask, $n );
> So that means that if we're on the 4th configuration step
> (init::miniparrot) or later, make the current step's verbose setting
> have the value passed into the 'verbose' option to
> My questions:
> 1.  Is my interpretation correct?
> 2.  If so, why should this only apply beginning with the 4th
> configuration step?  Why not right from the 1st step?
> 3.  And what does the XXX comment mean?   cc_build(), which is a method
> from lib/Parrot/Configure/, is not the only step utility method
> that has a verbose setting.  Why should it be singled out here?
> Thank you very much.
> kid51

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