On Tuesday 10 July 2007 18:37:59 Will Coleda wrote:

> Discussion on IRC today about how we can improve the state of the GC
> system. One of the things that came up was that perhaps we shouldn't
> be poking inside PMC guts outside of src/*pmc/: instead, we should be
> using vtable access.
> I currently see ~500 instances where we use PMC_data() outside pmc
> code (after a build, so probably some generated code in there.)
> I think if we had an example of how these should be fixed, that'd
> help others contribute, so, lets pick one and dissect it.
> Here's a function from src/key.c :
> /*
> FUNCDOC: key_next
> Returns the next key if C<key> is in a sequence of linked keys.
> */
> PMC *
> key_next(SHIM_INTERP, PMC *key /*NN*/)
> {
>      return key->pmc_ext ? (PMC *)PMC_data(key) : NULL;
> }
> Is this in need of fixing? If so, how? If not, is there a better
> function to show off what needs fixing?

This isn't a great example, as the guts of hashes and keys and iterators are 
all over various files instead of nicely encapsulated in .pmc files.

A better example may be PMC_cont(), strewn about ops, other PMCs, the calling 
conventions, and the like.  Unraveling that will be tricky.

-- c

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