jerry gay wrote:
additionally, when i try to debug it, it tells me that the --step
option isn't valid for that seems like a bug of a
different color. oh, right, and there's something screwy with the

Then update your MANIFEST. I find this happens when I've done an svn update, gotten a conflict in the MANIFEST and failed to resolve the conflict. The configuration step gags on the <<<.


g configuration the following steps failed:
    01:  init::manifest
You should diagnose and fix these errors before calling 'nmake'

[Proves that the patches I put in the other day work as intended! Cf. RT 45523]

ctags: No files specified. Try "ctags --help".

c:\usr\local\parrot\trunk>perl --step=auto::ctags
Invalid option "step". See "perl --help" for valid options

That's correct. 'step' is a valid option for tools/dev/, not for This is because is what is used to rerun a single step once configuration as a whole has been run. This has been true since r20832 on August 24.

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