I've the following problem in languages/lua/pmc/luathread.pmc :

when the creation of Parrot::Coroutine (runtime/parrot/library/Parrot/Coroutine.pir) was :

    .local pmc coro
    .const .Sub coro_sub = "enumerate_tree"
    coro = new 'Parrot::Coroutine', coro_sub

in luathread.pmc, I wrote (translation PIR to C):

    void init_pmc(PMC* sub) {
        INTVAL type = pmc_type(INTERP,
                          const_string(INTERP, "Parrot::Coroutine"));
        if (type)
            PMC_pmc_val(SELF) = pmc_new_init(INTERP, type, sub);
            real_exception(INTERP, NULL, E_Exception,
                           "Parrot::Coroutine not found");

now, the creation of Parrot::Coroutine becomes (r21929) :

    .local pmc coro
    .const .Sub coro_sub = "enumerate_tree"
    coro_class = get_class 'Parrot::Coroutine'
    coro = coro_class.'new'('initial_sub' => coro_sub)

So, how translate it in PMC ?

Thank for help.


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