On Oct 23, 2007, at 5:45 PM, Allison Randal wrote:

Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
Hi, attached a document describing the current macro layer of IMCC.

On the proposed modifications to macros, I have reservations on the automatic munging of .local variable names. Macros are simple parameterized substitutions. If someone includes a '.local' in a macro, it's likely that they'll expect it to appear literally in the body:

.macro declare_my_locals(x)
  .local int $x

.sub bar
  foo = 5
  print foo

I believe tcl actually uses a macro to define an entire sub. It's a little weird but it works and is useful. Some things in macros exist but aren't specced, but forbidding them would likely cause more code in the compiler. A call to a macro can easily cover more than one line. That's counter-intuitive to the nature of PIR but it works and can be clean, take a look at examples/shootout/nbody.pir. Something like this could be useful, especially with array initialization which often uses a lot of lines.

.macro Foo (a, b)
    .local int .a
    .a = .b

.sub main :main
    .Foo(b, 1)
    print b
    print "\n"
    .Foo(c, 2)
    print c
    print "\n"

And unlikely that they'll want it to appear munged for a particular macro name:

.sub bar
  local_declare_my_locals_foo = 5
  print local_declare_my_locals_foo

Those aren't meant to be accessed outside the macro. And imcc adds a number to it to make it hard to guess and there's no incentive to do that. If someone needs a certain functionality, they can write a macro that will allow them to use that variable. Looking at runtime/parrot/include/hllmacros.pir might show you some of the potential uses for macros. They're rarely used, but they're available.



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