On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 04:39:42PM -0700, James Keenan via RT wrote:

> Although the percent of statements in this class's source code covered
> by the test suite and by Configure.pl itself is lower than I normally
> would settle for
> (http://thenceforward.net/parrot/coverage/configure-build/config-auto-va_ptr-pm.html),
> the uncovered statements are highly platform-specific.  So there's no
> point in writing further tests for these statements, as covering them
> could only meaningfully be done on a different platform -- at which
> point other statements would become uncovered!

Note that you can merge coverage databases, or generate reports from
more than one database, for this very reason.  But that does have the
obvious downside of making the coverage process much more complicated.

Still no free lunches, I'm afraid, but at least there's food available
if you are hungry enough.

> Hence, I'm resolving the ticket.

Sorry if this opens it up again.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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