On Nov 1, 2007, at 8:19 PM, Will Coleda via RT wrote:

I believe the issue here is that we probably need a test to make sure
that when someone adds/deletes/updates ops but doesn't renumber them,
it fails. I am unsure if this test is explicitly test for that, or if
it implicitly requires it, and therefore fails when it hasn't been done.

I will look into this. But, from the way you describe it, I infer that this should be a mandatory test placed in the suite run by 'make test' rather than in the quasi-optional-but-highly-advisable-if- you're-refactoring-op-codes 'make buildtools_tests'. Would that be correct?

Also good would be a small doc in docs/ about "how to add/delete an
opcode" would be good, as then we have something we can point
committers to.

I don't know much about the opcodes myself. My concern was testing/ fortifying the Perl 5 code which constitutes the scaffolding into which the opcodes are poured. So maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can initiate this (perhaps on the wiki!)

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