Here's an additional problem I noticed with auto::msvc.  During coverage
analysis, there were several lines of code that I was never able to
cover successfully (see:

    unless ( defined $msvcref->{_MSC_VER} ) {
        $conf->data->set( msvcversion => undef );
        return 1;

    my $major = int( $msvcref->{_MSC_VER} / 100 ); # <-- line 69
    my $minor = $msvcref->{_MSC_VER} % 100;
    unless ( defined $major && defined $minor ) {
        print " (no) " if $verbose;
        $conf->data->set( msvcversion => undef );
        return 1;

By the time we get to line 69, $msvcref->{_MSC_VER} is always defined.  
My hunch is that $msvcref->{_MSC_VER} should always be an integer like
'1401'.  If that's the case, then $major and $minor will always be
defined as well -- in which case the block of code inside the 'unless'
block can never be reached and never covered by tests.

What if my hunch were wrong, and $msvcref->{_MSC_VER} were some other
defined value, such as a non-integer string like 'foobar'.  See attached
test 'msvcdefined.t'.  Although you will get a warning when you try to
divide a nonnumeric string, both $major and $minor will be defined in
that case as well.

$> prove -v msvcdefined.t

msvcdefined....Argument "foobar" isn't numeric in division (/) at
msvcdefined.t line 28.
Argument "" isn't numeric in division (/) at msvcdefined.t line 28.
ok 1 - major is defined
ok 2 - minor is defined
ok 3 - major is defined
ok 4 - minor is defined
ok 5 - major is defined
ok 6 - minor is defined
ok 7 - major is defined
ok 8 - minor is defined
ok 9 - major is defined
ok 10 - minor is defined
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=10,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.07 cusr +  0.03 csys =  0.10 CPU)

So, unless my logic is incorrect, I think we can refactor that 'unless'
block out of config/auto/

Does that seem correct?

Thank you very much.


Attachment: msvcdefined.t
Description: Binary data

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