On Monday 12 November 2007 13:23:17 Bob Rogers wrote:

>    From: chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>    I think it's a freeze/thaw problem actually (as OrderedHash passes
>    its tests with the gcdebug core, but that is only meaningful if the
>    test coverage is good).
> It might also have to do with the particular OrderedHash used for HLL
> IDs, which would have to be caught at another level of testing.  (Not
> that I have a theory to support this, though.)

I remember coming across something that seemed similar when looking into 
*ManagedStruct problems with SDL and NCI.  My instincts tell me that 
freeze/thaw are the culprits specifically in OrderedHash.

If someone reading this (not just Bob or me) cares to write up some basic 
tests and can make a failure case, I'm very happy to debug and fix the 
problem.  I'm out of town for a couple of days and may not get to the tests 
for a while, but I will fix the problem unless someone beats me to it.

>    Is it a huge, invasive change to make Kea-CL *not* load PBC files,
> instead loading PIR files?  If you can do that for all files with subs in
> namespaces, I'm curious to see if the problem goes away.
> I can (it's easy), and the problem does go away.

The way HLL directives work with PBC is that each Parrot interpreter keeps a 
PMC around to map HLL information and types.  PBC stores a frozen interpreter 
to store this information.  When Parrot loads a PBC file, it thaws that 
interpreter and merges the HLL information back into the invoking 

If there's a problem with that freezing or thawing, we'll lose some 
information about HLLs that was present when it comes from PIR.  That's why 
avoiding the PBC step works around the problem.

I don't think it's a merge problem because I saw something similar when using 
OrderedHash within *ManagedStruct PMCs, but it's possible that I'm wrong.

I didn't see any good freeze/thaw tests for any of our PMCs, and the code in 
OrderedHash looked a little weird, so that's why I think there's at least one 
bug lurking there.

-- c

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