On Mon Nov 12 10:47:41 2007, doughera wrote:
> On a fresh checkout today, t/configure/107-inter_progs-*.t all fail
> with identical output:
> [snip]
> Compilation failed with 'cc'
> 1..21
> However, the test harness still reports this as 'ok'!
> The problem here is twofold:  First, t/configure/107-inter_progs-01.t
> is relying on values pulled from perl5's Configure to be correct.  
> That's simply not right, as is discussed more thoroughly under
> ticket [perl #47391].
> Second, the error message 
>       Compilation failed with 'cc'
> comes from this section of config/inter/prog.pm:
>     unless ( eval { cc_build(); 1 } ) {
>         warn "Compilation failed with '$cc'\n";
>         exit 1;
>     }
> See my extensive postings under
>       [perl #41168] graceful "no compiler" error message?

Although the other configuration tests which are failing on Andy's and
chromatic's systems are failing more loudly, I'd like to see if we could
fix this package and its tests first.  For several reasons:

1.  inter::progs occurs much earlier in the configuration process than
the other problematic steps.  If we can write tests which simulate what
Configure.pl does and which thoroughly test all of inter::progs's code,
then we should be in a good position to improve the tests for later steps.

2.  We never resolved the issues discussed in RT #41168.  I think the
'unless' block Andy cites above is one of the most baffling pieces of
code in the configuration system.

3.  The tests I have already written for this step
don't sufficiently exercise the internal test_compiler() subroutine.

I don't yet have a patch to submit, and I suspect that when I or anyone
else does, it will have something of a "throw it against the wall and
see if it sticks" nature.  Suggestions welcome.

Thank you very much.

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