On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 08:41:54AM -0800, Jonathan Lang wrote:
: I'm wondering if something similar could be done for optional
: arguments - something along the lines of "within the following block,
: assign value V to argument X of routine R by default."  This would
: allow for a similar "factoring out" of repetitive flags.  So instead
: of:
:   say qq:!c" ... { ... } ...";
:   say qq:!c" ... { ... } ...";
:   say qq:!c" ... { ... } ...";
: and so on, you might do something like:
:   with &qq :(c => false) {
:     say "... { ... } ...";
:     say "... { ... } ...";
:     say "... { ... } ...";
:   }

Hmm, well, qq isn't really a function, it's actually the name of
a sublanguage, as parsed by a macro.

: Or maybe it could be a pragma (which, by definition, lasts only until
: the end of the current scope):
:   {
:     use defaults { qq => :!c }
:     say "... { ... } ...";
:     say "... { ... } ...";
:     say "... { ... } ...";
:   }

I like to name pragmas by the construct they're controlling, so if
we took that approach, I'd probably make it something like:

        use qq ':!c';
        say "... { ... } ...";
        say "... { ... } ...";
        say "... { ... } ...";

: The core concept here is to allow the programmer to easily change the
: default behavior of a routine within a given scope so that he doesn't
: have to repeatedly override the default behavior every time it comes
: up.
: --
: Is this reasonable, or is this too much of a corner case to be worth the 

Well, sure, but there's really no effort required at all, given you can
already do it (in theory) with:

        my macro quote:<" "> { 'qq:!c' }
        say "... { ... } ...";
        say "... { ... } ...";
        say "... { ... } ...";

Actually, the "my" is a bit redundant there; syntax changes from
macros are always lexically scoped.  That includes imports of macros,
so if you made a module that contained:

    my macro quote:<" "> is export(:DEFAULT) { 'qq:!c' }

then you could use it like this:

        use Schwernlich;
        say "... { ... } ...";
        say "... { ... } ...";
        say "... { ... } ...";

and it would be a lexically scoped language hack.  With a slight
generalization it's the "use qq" pragma above.  Welcome to Perl 6.  :)


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