On Mon, 24 Dec 2007, James Keenan via RT wrote:

> On Thu Nov 01 18:53:47 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > In configuration step auto::perldoc there is found this code to probe
> > for the presence of the perldoc utility and, if present, version thereof:
> > 
> >     my $content = capture_output('perldoc -ud c99da7c4.tmp perldoc') ||
> > undef;
> > 
> >     if ( defined $content ) {
> >         if ( $content =~ m/^Unknown option:/ ) {
> >             $content = capture_output('perldoc perldoc') || '';
> >             $version = 1;
> >             $self->set_result('yes, old version');
> >         }
> >      # ...
> > 
> > The interior 'if' branch implies that someone could be building Parrot
> > and yet have no version or perldoc later than version 1.  Given that we
> > have decided that Perl 5.8 is the minimum version of Perl you need to
> > build Parrot, is there *any* possibility that someone who gets to this
> > point in configuration could still be running *only* perldoc version 1?

Yes.  Absolutely.  I currently have 11 different versions of 'perl' 
installed on my Solaris system.  The system one is perl5.005_03.  I build 
parrot with a later version of perl by explicitly calling the appropriate 
perl.  There is no guarantee that the first 'perldoc' you find in my $PATH 
is in fact associated with the 'perl' I am using to build parrot.

> An additional thought:  Could someone be using an older version of
> perldoc if they are using the perldoc provided by an RPM or a .deb?

Debian certainly supplies 'perldoc' in a separate package from perl.  I 
don't know offhand whether the dependencies are arranged to allow such a 
mismatch to occur.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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