Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:

Earlier I read over this, thinking: there's probably a good reason for that
(the need for being contiguous), but I haven't figured it out yet.
For sake of documentation, could you please explain why this is so?

so, why would it not be possible to write this:

sub foo :multi
  .param pmc x :invocant('Integer')
  .param pmc y
  .param pmc z :invocant('Integer')


sub foo :multi
  .param pmc x :invocant('Integer')
  .param pmc y
  .param pmc z :invocant('String')

The former "foo" can be thought of as having signature "Integer, *, Integer"
and the second "Integer, *, String", (where * means any type, don't care).

I don't see a particular problem. Not that I need to be able to do this,
just wondering why this rule is so.

From both a parsing and self-documentation perspective, it's clearer to explicitly say:

  .sub foo :multi
    .param pmc x :invocant('Integer')
    .param pmc y :invocant('ANY')
    .param pmc z :invocant('String')
    .param pmc a

than it is to simply leave 'y' blank.

The behavior of the parameters 'y' and 'a' are a bit different. The 'a' parameter is only considered at the very start to knock out signatures that couldn't possibly fit (wrong number of required parameters). The 'y' parameter is a full participant in multi-dispatch, and contributes to the overall score of the signature for a particular call. An "Integer, Integer, Integer" signature may be considered a better match for a call than "Integer, *, Integer" (when the call is all Integers), because it's more specific to the particular types passed.


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