Sorry if I've missed something recent that means that this is expected behaviour but r24318 is hanging during make test on Mac OS 10.5.1 / Intel.

The test log and pictures of the process probe are here:

I also have a few test failures on Ubuntu PPC:

Test Summary Report
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-01.t         (Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   4
t/src/intlist.t                            (Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   1-4
t/src/io.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 20 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   16-17, 19
t/examples/shootout.t (Wstat: 2560 Tests: 20 Failed: 10)
  Failed test number(s):  3, 6-11, 17-19
  Non-zero exit status: 10
Files=533, Tests=10515, 1609 wallclock secs (25.43 usr 3.37 sys + 1310.02 cusr 197.95 csys = 1536.77 CPU)
Result: FAIL

$ uname -a
Linux shonky 2.6.20-16-powerpc #3 Sun Sep 23 19:20:00 UTC 2007 ppc GNU/ Linux

Full test log available on request.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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