I love this list. I wish I had more of value to contribute. =o]
But for those of you who don't want to read a long blather, this is
mostly opinion, hopefully sans soapbox. Feel free to skip to the end.

> <asnide>What's with the sudden influx of people swooping in at the
> last minute and attacking design decisions that were made, with much
> angst and public debate, over the span of months and years?  It's not
> like @Larry are doing things based on whim; if they were, Perl6 would
> have been done 2+ years ago.</asnide>

I agree 100%. In fact, I've been guilty of this myself, but the point
is valid...and I think the <asnide> was a nice touch. Still, we do want
to keep polling the user base, if hopefully with a minimum of spam. As
long as we don't lose the forum under a deluge of whining and
me-too-isms, I think it's good to get the occasional, abbreviated
re-airing of old issues. For example, I missed this one the first dozen
times through....

I don't like having to think about whitespace so much, but I'll get
used to that. Virtually every language uses significant whitespace, and
though P6 seems to be more saturated with *relevant* whitespace issues,
as a rule of thumb I have been bluntly impressed with what the @Larry
have been accomplishing. I'll learn, I'll deal, and I'll be happy for
the toys they let me buy with those quirks, lol....

But for my meager $.02 in the matter....

http://perl6.org/doc/design/syn/S02.html still says:
 "Intra-line comments will not be supported in standard Perl"

I obviously missed something again here. Could someone clue me in?
Isn't that what this thread is talking about with #{...}? 
I assume it's a module-based construct, like most everything else?

Line comments and POD are fine, but I have (on occasion) missed being
able to use embedded comments. I'm glad they'll be available now, but I
doubt I'd add a use() to get them most of the time -- just personal
preference; I'd rather save the line of code, lol. I don't personally
even mind having to deal with the whitespace rule, though it does feel
pretty wierd to me.

I think the bracketing construct is a cool concept. Start with a
hashmark and follow it with a bracketing construct, and it comments
everything in the bracket.... but I have to say just for the
accumulation of weight on the issue that it's going to really take some
time for me to get used to thinking of comments as ending with just a
bracket, especially since I'll have to trace back to the matching
structure to make sure it's the right bracket.

Syntactically, I know @Larry's a lot smarter than I am, so I defer, but
could we start thinking now, as a community, in terms of standards for
this? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't most of us follow the
general convention of making filehandle names capitalized in P5? Perl
didn't care, but it's a courtesy we observed for ourselves and the
inheritors of our code. Of course, I usually used a scratchpad variable

So I'll probably tend to use some standard set of brackets and "flag"
characters just for my own benefit. On that note, I do have a couple of
actual questions. =o)

Is there any restriction of the whitespace *inside* the comment?
And is / a valid bracketer? Is there any problem with something like:

   @x = #/* here's an embedded comment */ 1..99;

or should I stick to things like

   $x = #<-- comment  --> 1;
   $x = #{   comment   #} 1;
   $x = #(   comment   +) 1;
   $x = #[   comment  =o] 1;

Or will any of these not work?

I suppose there's always #{/* foo */}....
Or when all else fails, just move the comment to a line of it's own, or
a block of POD. ;o]

Thanks for your patience and your input,

--- "Mark J. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Whitespace is significant in many places.  Even in some of the
> corners of Perl 5.  Perl 6 has a different set of rules, and it
> will take some getting used to, but the rules are designed to
> let you do things as naturally as possible.
> This, for instance, works fine:
> my @values =
> # (1,2,3)   # older values, don't use
>     (4,5,6);
> If I were suddenly granted the magical ability to impose my will upon
> the design of Perl 6 and change anything I wanted, the multi-line
> comments leading-whitespace exception would not make the top 5.
> <asnide>What's with the sudden influx of people swooping in at the
> last minute and attacking design decisions that were made, with much
> angst and public debate, over the span of months and years?  It's not
> like @Larry are doing things based on whim; if they were, Perl6 would
> have been done 2+ years ago.</asnide>

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