On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 11:15:57PM -0800, Andy Lester wrote:
> # <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=49296 >
> perl6 -e"say 'hello world'" should work.

Oddly(?), the question of standard options to Perl 6 implementations
also came up in today's Perl 6 design meeting.  I believe Larry said
he would spend some time thinking about it and come up with some
standards (I'm guessing it'll become Synopsis 19).

I would expect -e to continue to be supported, however.  

I'm also thinking that perhaps -e, -v, and -h are common enough that 
they could be implemented by default in the base PCT::HLLCompiler
object.  (Individual language implementations could of course override
the default.)



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