From: Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 19:15:40 +0200

   Bob Rogers wrote:

   > Thought so.  I ask because Common Lisp has provision for anonymous
   > classes, and I was wondering how I might support that some day.  But my
   > interest is just academic curiosity at this point, because I'm (still)
   > nowhere near implementation.

   CLOS dispatches on anonymous classes? What does it dispatch on in the 
   absence of a name? A class object (or equivalent)?

Yes, a class object; CLOS dispatch is done in terms of class objects.
It's not in the ANSI spec (and trying to define methods on anonymous
classes in a portable way is tricky), but is widely implemented as part
of the metaobject protocol.  Mind you, I have not studied any
application that actually uses this feature, but I do recall hearing
about them.

   And thanks for the other clarifications.  (I was going to post a
longer response, but that's mostly what it amounted to.)

                                        -- Bob

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