On Monday 21 January 2008 01:09:29 Allison Randal wrote:

> In the past few weeks we've had an increasing number of "Undefined
> symbols" errors on OS X (Tiger). Previously it was only a handful of
> failing tests, but now it's preventing 'make' from completing,
> terminating with the following error:
> ------
> c++ -o pbc_to_exe pbc_to_exe.o  -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/local/lib
> -L/sw/lib -L/sw/lib -L/opt/local/lib -L/sw/lib
> -L/Users/allison/projects/svn/parrot/blib/lib -lparrot
> -L/Users/allison/projects/svn/parrot/blib/lib -lm -lgmp -lreadline
> /Users/allison/projects/svn/parrot/src/parrot_config.o
> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
> _Parrot_set_executable_name
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> linking failed
> current instr.: 'link_file' pc 752 (pbc_to_exe.pir:365)
> called from Sub 'main' pc 124 (pbc_to_exe.pir:32)
> make: *** [pbc_to_exe] Error 1
> ------
> Looks like this particular failure was caused by r25020, but it's only a
> symptom of the wider problem.

Does this happen after a 'make realclean' and recompilation?

You in particular know that I have a special dislike for the state of building 
and linking C code on Mac OS X, being dangerously close to The Best That Unix 
Had To Offer Circa NeXT 1987...

... but apart from slapping PARROT_API on the symbol, what in the world do we 
need to do special to tell GCC 4.x on Mac OS X to:

1) hide symbols not explicitly exported
2) actually export symbols when we mark them as exportable

I mean, the main reason we hide symbols by default is so that we'll catch what  
would be compilation errors on Win32 on platforms with GCC 4.x, but if Mac OS 
X can't handle a bog-standard compilation option, well maybe we should work 
on getting them the source code to GCC or something.

-- c

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