On Feb 7, 2008 5:38 AM, via RT Ted Neward
> t/library/pcre...............................
> t/library/pcre...............................NOK 1#     Failed test
> (t/library/p
> cre.t at line 48)
> # Exited with error code: 1
> # Received:
> # ok 1
> # ok 2
> # Null PMC access in invoke()
> # current instr.: 'parrot;PCRE;compile' pc 118
> (C:\Prg\parrot-svn\runtime\parrot
> \library\pcre.pir:127)
> # called from Sub 'main' pc 83 (C:\Prg\parrot-svn\t\library\pcre_1.pir:49)
> #
> # Expected:
> # ok 1
> # ok 2
> # ok 3
> # ok 4
> # ok 5
> #
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
> t/library/pcre...............................dubious
>         Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
> DIED. FAILED test 1
>         Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
> t/library/pg.................................
> Interestingly, a parrot.exe process is left running, even after Ctrl-C'ing
> the console window in which the tests are running. Could very well be a
> configuration problem, would love to know how to correct it if it is.
thanks for the report.

it seems that parrot thinks you have postgres libraries installed. do
you? you don't need them to run parrot (i don't have them installed on
my windows system.) so, you can work around the problem by taking
those libs out of your path, so parrot's configure won't find them. of
course, that won't fix the problem, it just works around it.

i (or someone else, please!) will have to install postgres libs in an
environment and configure/build/test parrot to reproduce this
behavior. this may take some time. if you intend to work with parrot
and postgres specifically, where this integration would be important,
let us know so we can bump up the priority.

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