On Thu Aug 09 20:20:09 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm looking to close this ticket if we can... is anyone
> still seeing a failure in the shootout/regexdna.pir test
> in the latest svn HEAD ?  If so, what OS and architecture?
> I'm particularly interested in hearing from people who have
> previously responded in this ticket and reported errors in the
> shootout.

I can't say exactly what happened, but someone in the last 24 hours
committed some code which had the effect of getting
t/examples/shootout.t to pass on Darwin.  (See attached output of 'prove

The shootout itself has not changed since October 18 2007, so we can't
attribute this to any change therein.

If the stake remains firmly implanted in the vampire's heart for 48
hours, I will declare the ticket resolved.


examples/shootout/ack.pir -Oc -Cj
ok 1 - examples/shootout/ack.pir
examples/shootout/binarytrees.pir -C
ok 2 - examples/shootout/binarytrees.pir
ok 3 # SKIP fannkuch.pir fannkuch benchmark failure on darwin
examples/shootout/fasta.pir -C
ok 4 - examples/shootout/fasta.pir
examples/shootout/knucleotide.pir  < examples/shootout/knucleotide.pir_input 
ok 5 - examples/shootout/knucleotide.pir
examples/shootout/mandelbrot.pir -j
ok 6 - examples/shootout/mandelbrot.pir
examples/shootout/nbody.pir -j
ok 7 - examples/shootout/nbody.pir
examples/shootout/nsieve-bits-2.pir -j
ok 8 - examples/shootout/nsieve-bits-2.pir
examples/shootout/nsieve-bits.pir -j
ok 9 - examples/shootout/nsieve-bits.pir
examples/shootout/nsieve.pir -j
ok 10 - examples/shootout/nsieve.pir
examples/shootout/partialsums-2.pir -j
ok 11 - examples/shootout/partialsums-2.pir
examples/shootout/partialsums.pir -C
ok 12 - examples/shootout/partialsums.pir
examples/shootout/pidigits.pir -C
ok 13 - examples/shootout/pidigits.pir
ok 14 # SKIP recursive-2.pir float JIT broken on non-x86
ok 15 # SKIP recursive.pir float JIT broken on non-x86
examples/shootout/regexdna.pir  < examples/shootout/regexdna.pir_input 
ok 16 - examples/shootout/regexdna.pir
examples/shootout/revcomp.pir -j < examples/shootout/revcomp.pir_input 
ok 17 - examples/shootout/revcomp.pir
examples/shootout/spectralnorm.pir -j
ok 18 - examples/shootout/spectralnorm.pir
examples/shootout/sumcol.pir -j < examples/shootout/sumcol.pir_input 
ok 19 - examples/shootout/sumcol.pir
examples/shootout/takfp.pir -C
ok 20 - examples/shootout/takfp.pir
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=20, 108 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.02 sys + 86.53 cusr  8.28 
csys = 94.87 CPU)
Result: PASS

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