On Monday 17 March 2008 14:29:19 Alberto Simões wrote:

> I think this is not new to anyone, but as parrot 0.6.0 is preparing to
> exit the cage, here is some information about running make test on
> latest svn r26457.
> Darwin 10.5.2:
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/src/io.t                                 (Wstat: 256 Tests: 20 Failed: 1)
>    Failed test:  19
>    Non-zero exit status: 1

I removed that test file in r26425.  Why is it running for you on Darwin?

> t/examples/library.t                       (Wstat: 256 Tests: 4 Failed: 1)
>    Failed test:  3
>    Non-zero exit status: 1
> Files=560, Tests=11234, 358 wallclock secs ( 3.69 usr  2.98 sys + 165.11
> cusr 69.67 csys = 241.45 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> Failed 2/560 test programs. 2/11234 subtests failed.

Can you show the full diagnostics of the failure?

-- c

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