>Date: 2008/03/26 Wed PM 05:13:17 CDT
>Subject: Re: [perl #52130] [BUG] postconfigure tests hanging on feather.

>> >  I'll try to look into this.  What's puzzling is that we get tested on
>>>  *many* Linux boxes but the overwhelming majority report no problem 
>> something to do with svk being on the box but never having been run by
>that user?
>> istr something like this before. iirc hitting <enter> will make the
>problem go away, never to return, because svk is waiting for input.
>Yeah, but svk is waiting for a 'y' or  'n', to set up the default cache 
>dir. Seems to be as much an svk issue, as 
>svk info
>shouldn't have to create that user's svk environment by default. Or, at 
>least, a switch to allow
>svk --dont_init info

Thanks, Andy.  Subsequent to the last post we had a discussion on #parrot.  
Coke will be posting an RT which will give us some new direction, and we'll no 
doubt be contacting you to see test whatever solutions we cobble together.


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