Coke:  Although I agree with most of what you have written, I do want to
point out one instance where the SVN revision number has proved helpful
to me and which is a basis for retaining it.

Often times I am running 'make' and 'make test' multiple times in a
given day.  I have written a program to log both processes and, after
much experimentation, have settled on naming my logs like this:


i.e., datestamp.SVNrevisionnumber.branch

The datestamp is computed from localtime(); the branch is provided on
the command line.  That leads the revision number, which is picked up
from the hidden file .parrot_current_rev, which is written by

This has been helpful when doing binary searches to determine at what
revision an error crept into trunk.  It means I can generate a make or
make test log file whose name is self-documenting; I don't have to
search thru scrollback and then re-type the revision number.

And, in fact, I'm using this feature right now to work in the
'norevision' branch.


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