My yacc is a little fuzzy (I made a funny!), but I think this simple
little patch here should do the trick. I included two patch files,
depending on how much you want to change.

imccnamespacefix.patch: This fixes the brackets issue for the IMCC bison
file. I don't have bison on my system, so I couldn't update the
imccparse.c file

pircnamespacefix.patch: This is an equivalent patch for the PIRC bison

In both, the new syntax allows for:

.namespace []
.namespace ['classname']

Again, I don't have Bison so I can't test it properly here. However, the
patches are very very small and I don't forsee them being a problem
(unless my knowledge of bison has degraded significantly in the past few

--Andrew Whitworth

Attachment: pircnamespacefix.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: imccnamespacefix.patch
Description: Binary data

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