Mark J. Reed |Perl 6| wrote:
Now you've lost me.  I was pretty sure that was the block name.  AIUI,
you can give arbitrary names to any block, and these names function
the same way (i.e. can be used in flow control statements), but they
also happen to control when the block is actually evaluated.

I might have misremembered, but i thought labels were followed by a
colon in Perl 6.  A quick scan of the docs... "

It is illegal for a provisional subroutine call to be followed by a
colon postfix, since such a colon is allowed only on an indirect object,
or a method call in dot form.  (It is also allowed on a label when a
statement is expected.) ...
        foo:                #   label       -- must be label at statement 
                                       -- ILLEGAL otherwise
        foo: bar:           #   two labels in a row, okay

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