On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 09:38:41PM +0200, Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> chromatic wrote:
> >You're right.  I started from the wrong point in my bisect.
> >  
> No worries.
> >I can't reproduce the problem with any revision before or after the 0.6.1 
> >release.
> >  
> But the 0.6.1 release had a problem? If I'm understanding correctly, the 
> current revision doesn't show the problem?

There's currently a problem in that

    class Foo { }

doesn't create 'Foo' as a subclass of Object.

Also, something that might help with the discussion of multimethod
dispatch in rock-paper-scissors is to note that the mmd types do
not have to be directly related in the type hierarchy.  In other
words, we _should_ be able to do the example without needing the
base Thing class.  (Whether this currently works or not in Parrot 
is perhaps another issue. :-)


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