On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:45:22 -0700
"jerry gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> also, i'd like to automate more of the release process. currently, we
> have a period of time where the link on the website for the most
> recent parrot will point to the previous release of parrot, until the
> new distro propagates to the cpan mirrors. in order to overcome this
> problem, and to automate one more release step, i propose the
> following:
> write a piece of code that watches http://svn.perl.org/parrot/tags/
> for a new tag that matches /RELEASE_.*/, and when that occurs, run
> 'make release VERSION=`cat version`', and updates a link on the
> website to point to that tarball. we can then use that tarball to do a
> final test, and upload it to cpan.
> comments welcome.

Does this mean dalek needs a CPAN account now?


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