# New Ticket Created by  Stephane Payrard 
# Please include the string:  [perl #53016]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=53016 >

rakudo/hash_composer.t                        # new file and folder
languages/perl6/config/makefiles/root.in  # add hash.pir to the file
to be compiler
languages/perl6/src/builtins/hash.pir       # hash() implementation

$  diff -u /dev/null languages/perl6/t/rakudo/hash_composer.t
--- /dev/null   2008-04-17 13:12:21.000000000 +0200
18:00:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use v6-alpha;
+use Test;
+plan 1
+my @a = (1, 2);
+my %a = (3, 4);
+my %h = hash( @a, %a, 5, 6);
+my $s = %h{1} ~ %h{3} ~  %h{5};
+ok $s == "246", "hash( @a, %a, 5, 6) works";
+# dies_ok is not yet implemented
+# dies_ok { my %h = hash(1); }, 'malformed hash composer: odd
sequence of scalar items at index 0';
+# dies_ok { 'my @a = (1); hash( @a)' }, 'malformed hash composer:
list of odd size at index 0';       #  triggers "list of odd size
+# dies_ok { 'my @a = ( 1, 2, 3); hash( @a)' }, 'malformed hash
composer: list of odd size at index 0';
$ svn diff languages/perl6/config/makefiles/root.in
Index: languages/perl6/config/makefiles/root.in
--- languages/perl6/config/makefiles/root.in    (revision 27018)
+++ languages/perl6/config/makefiles/root.in    (working copy)
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
   src/builtins/cmp.pir \
   src/builtins/control.pir \
   src/builtins/guts.pir \
+  src/builtins/hash.pir \
   src/builtins/io.pir \
   src/builtins/match.pir \
   src/builtins/math.pir \
$ diff -u  /dev/null languages/perl6/src/builtins/hash.pir
--- /dev/null   2008-04-17 13:12:21.000000000 +0200
+++ languages/perl6/src/builtins/hash.pir       2008-04-17 17:42:53.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008, The Perl Foundation.
+.include "iterator.pasm"
+The C<hash> list operator is a hash composer as defined in S04
+It creates a Hash and  iterates on the list to fill the hash
+.sub hash
+.param pmc list :slurpy
+.local pmc aiter   # list iterator
+.local pmc item    # list item
+.local pmc iiter   # item iterator
+.local pmc hash    # hash to be returned
+.local pmc key, value
+.local int  bool, size, position
+.local string errstr, s
+    hash = new  'Hash'
+    position = -1
+    aiter = new  'Iterator', list
+    aiter  = .ITERATE_FROM_START
+nextitem:  # iterate on the list
+    unless aiter goto done
+    item = shift aiter
+    position = position + 1
+    bool = isa item, 'Pair'
+    unless bool  goto notpair
+    # the list item is a Pair
+    key = item.'key'()
+    value = item.'value'()
+    hash[key] = value
+    goto nextitem
+    bool =  does item, 'hash'
+    unless bool goto nothash
+   # the list item is a hash. Iterate on it.
+    iiter = new  'Iterator', item
+    iiter  = .ITERATE_FROM_START
+    unless iiter goto nextitem
+    key = shift iiter
+    value = item[key]
+    hash[key] = value
+   goto  iterhash
+   bool = does item, 'array'
+   unless bool goto notarray
+   # The list item is an array. Checks its size is even  then iterate.
+   size = item
+   size = size % 2
+   if size goto arrayerr
+   iiter =  new Iterator, item
+   iiter  = .ITERATE_FROM_START
+    unless iiter goto nextitem
+    key = shift iiter
+    value = shift iiter
+    hash[key] = value
+    goto iterarray
+    # the list item 'does' neither list or hash. It must be scalar
+    # ## is there a scalar role to check?
+    unless  aiter goto nrscalerr
+    position = position + 1
+    value = shift aiter
+    hash[item] = value
+    goto nextitem
+    errstr = "odd sequence of scalar items"
+    goto err
+    errstr = "list of odd size"
+    errstr = concat "malformed hash composer: ",  errstr
+    errstr = concat errstr, " at index "
+    s = position
+    errstr = concat errstr, s
+    die errstr
+    .return (hash)
+# Local Variables:
+#   mode: pir
+#   cperl-indent-level: 4
+#   fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

cognominal stef

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